Optimum Safety Performance Coaching
Developing the culture towards health, safety and mental wellbeing in your work place with our hugely successful Creating a Positive Culture® programme. Creating a Positive Culture® is a series of strategies that over a short period of time will create a new paradigm in regards to health, safety and well being.

Connect with Chad Lilley, founder of The Safety Coach Academy, on Linkedin.
About The Safety Coach Academy
Imagine if you will, a company that can introduce you to a completely new way of thinking about your safety strategy.
A strategy that has proven to work over the last fifteen years that not only will dramatically reduce your number of incidents, it will also overtime help reduce rework and sick days, plus positively effect your quality of work and staff moral.
Unlike most companies – not only do we help you identify what you really want to achieve with safety and the steps that are required over a sustained period. We also however, more importantly, will show you very clearly where you are presently at, therefore, allowing us to tinker with what already exists in order to give you a firm footing to move forward, quite simply, you can’t move forward until you know where to start.
80% of your success depends on your psychology and only 20% on the mechanics, however, in most places the 20% has, with good intention, been set up with the wrong psychology.
Covid taught us a lot about safety, but lets not go back to normal, let’s take this opportunity and create a new reality regarding Safety, a new reality where we can create trust and consistency with Safety, we have an opportunity to engage with each other in a way that will transform the way we think and act in regards to safety forever..