Client Feedback
“Changed my approach by changing my perception”
It really has been an honour to work with you over the past couple of years, I have learned a lot and it has helped to change my attitude towards H&S. thank you for your support, friendship and encouragement.The influence Chad has on the people he coaches stretches way beyond work
To take IIF workshops to Russia, Czech Republic, and Poland and have the effect that he has had speaks volumes for his professionalism. His influence to these far flung parts of BLL is already having an effect To share leading a workshop with Chad has had a marked effect on how I do my job. I have worked in safety for 30 years and he has changed my approach by changing my perception. His explanation of the various distinctions has opened up a whole new approach for me.

“Accomplished And Passionate Speaker”
I Was Lucky To Be Invited By Chad To One Of His Behavioural Safety (And Beyond) Seminars. Chad Held My Attention Throughout (Which Is A Feat In Itself!). He Is An Accomplished And Passionate Speaker Who Draws On An Array Of Life And Business Experience In The Pursuance Of Understanding Why We Do Things The Way We Do. His Techniques Will Not Only Save Businesses Time And Money, But His Holistic Approach Aims To Improve The Way We Live And Relate To Others. I Have No Hesitation In Endorsing Chad And I Wish Him The Very Best For The Future.

“A Balanced and Holistic Approach”
The Coach, Chad Lilley Is A Dedicated Professional Who Specialises In Behavioural And People Based Safety Solutions. He Understands The Need For A Balanced And Holistic Approach When It Comes To Managing Safety, And His Non Confrontational And More Supportive Style Enables Executives And Managers To Embrace And Run With Safety. Chad Is A Skilled Coach And Through His Coaching And Mentoring People Are Allowed To Grow And Develop Their Own Relationship To Safety And Ultimately Put Themselves In A Position To Lead In Safety. I Therefore Have No Hesitations In Recommending Chad As Someone Who Can Help You Embed Safety Into Your Organisation Without Feeling Like You Have To Turn The Organisation On Its Head To Do So.

“Commitment and enthusiasm for the health and safety”
I enjoyed working with Chad on the Wyeth Biotech project in Dublin. His commitment and enthusiasm for the health and safety of the workforce was infectious and I know he made a difference to the hearts and minds of those under his supervision. Bernard Keale

“Innovative, talented and committed”
Chad was a great exponent and supporter of driving a safety cultural change programme across the organisation both when it was in its infancy and later when it needed re-energising. I found him innovative, talented and committed to working with people to help them find their way.

“Positive, motivated, contributions from all his audience.”
I am pleased to endorse Chad Lilley in his role as a behavioural safety specialist. Chad and I worked together at Bovis Lend Lease, to implement our incident and injury free initiative across our Eastern European division. Chad clearly knows how to explain difficult and challenging concepts to others from different cultural backgrounds to get positive, motivated, contributions from all his audience.

“Both interesting and educational”
This to me was a total new experience to workshops, previous workshops I have more or less forgotten what the message was. I could never forget todays messages it was installed in me like a programme to a PC. How?
The way it was conveyed to me in an eye opening way, what was discussed was both interesting and educational.
The attitude and idea of changing your perception. I agree with your basic on life and am glad to see Babcock's putting this training together, it has changed my perception of the company.

“Safety becomes personal”
For the last 10 years I have been working in the construction industry as a safety advisor/manager. It is now October 2006 and for the last six months I have been working within a company that is firmly committed to an Incident and Injury Free (IIF) working environment. This is a behavioural based safety programme. Chad's training style and interesting content explains the ideas & concepts of IIF. Safety becomes personal.
IIF becomes understandable, motivating and fun. People leave his training in an upbeat mood and are motivated. People talk about safety, listen and take actions to make the workplace safer as a result. I personally will be keeping in contact with Chad. He has also provided support after training and has helped me to become a more competent trainer and leader of Incident and Injury Free.

“A fresh approach”
I attended a week long training session with Chad Lilley as the facilitator, for the BovisLendlease IIF training programme. ( IIF stands for Incident and injury Free ) This programme is designed to enable people to train up Supervisors of Bovis and their Sub-Contractors, so that the IIF message can be spread throughout the projects.
Chad's style of presentation brought a fresh approach to this subject (having attended previous courses ! ) with his enthusiasm, relaxed manner, thorough knowledge of the subject matter and his ability to get the whole class involved and participating as partners not prisoners.